denw Training 4.14.1m

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Flying Officer

-=smg=-Amme  Moldova, Republic of

RAF Flying Officer
Primary Air Force: RAF
Pilot ID 2929
Country Moldova, Republic of
Squadron SMG
Last Sighting 2021-01-27 23:06:52
Total Time Played 4 hrs 42 Min

Total Score -600
Total # of Sorties ( 87 ) 87 0
Lived To Fight Again  ( 33.33 % ) 29
Takeoffs 4
Landings  ( 0.00 % of Takeoffs ) 0
Crashed  ( 1.15 % of Sorties ) 1
Deaths 1
Bailed Out 1
  Killed Bailing Out  ( 0.00 % ) 0
  Escaped  ( 100.00 % ) 1
  Captured  ( 0.00 % ) 0
MIA  ( 2.30 % ) 2
Kill/Death Ratio 0.00
Avg Score Per Flight -6.90
Avg Aircraft kills Per Flight 0.00
Avg Ground kills Per Flight 0.00

Weapon Fired Hit Hit %
Guns Cannon 6,048 13 0.2
Guns Cannon Air 6,048 13 0.2
Rockets 2 0 0.0
Bombs 3 0 N/A
Totals Flying as:

Allies Axis
Enemy Friendly Enemy Friendly
Confirmed Aircraft Kills 0.00 0 0.00 0
Probable Aircraft Kills 0 N/A 0 N/A
ShotDown 0 0 0 0
Ground Units Destroyed 0 0 0 0
Victory/Defeat Ratio ( 0.00 to 1 ) ( 0.00 to 1 )
Fighter Sorties Flying as:

Allies (66) Axis (0)
Enemy Friendly Enemy Friendly
Confirmed Aircraft Kills 0.00 0 0.00 0
Probable Aircraft Kills 0 N/A 0 N/A
ShotDown 0 0 0 0
Ground Units Destroyed 0 0 0 0
Victory/Defeat Ratio ( 0.00 to 1 ) ( 0.00 to 1 )
Confirmed Kills after Finishing Sortie ( 0.00/0.00 to 1) ( 0.00/0.00 to 1)
Bomber Sorties Flying as:

Allies (21) Axis (0)
Enemy Friendly Enemy Friendly
Confirmed Aircraft Kills 0.00 0 0.00 0
Probable Aircraft Kills 0 N/A 0 N/A
ShotDown 0 0 0 0
Ground Units Destroyed 0 0 0 0

Top 10 Aircraft Flown
Aircraft Flown Air Kills % Used
SpitfireMkIXeCLP 14 times 0.00 20%
SpitfireMkVbLF 11 times 0.00 15%
P-40E_NEW 10 times 0.00 14%
I-153P 10 times 0.00 14%
HurricaneMkIIc 7 times 0.00 10%
SpitfireMkVbLFCLP 4 times 0.00 6%
P-51D-5NT 4 times 0.00 6%
P-40M_NEW 4 times 0.00 6%
P-40B 4 times 0.00 6%
I-153M63 3 times 0.00 4%

Victory Over Top 10
Pilot Times
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Defeated by Top 10
Pilot or Ground Object Times
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Top 10 Friendly Victims
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Defeated by Friendly Top 10
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Last 25 Sorties Flown
Mission Start Time Duration Army Plane Score Air Kills Ground_Kills Sortie

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